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【中日友好医院主任医师 李海聪】她主动地说出来对生活不感兴趣,觉得活着没意思,想自杀。



























【中日友好医院主任医师 李海聪】最常见的副作用就是叫做宿醉现象。


【中日友好医院主任医师 李海聪】还有一些口干,大便干结,最重要的一个,反跳性的失眠。一停药,马上失眠就加重。







【中日友好医院主任医师 李海聪】这个方子并不神秘,核心汤药主要是血府逐瘀汤。






八阕 http://www.popyard.org 美国《福布斯》杂志6日发布最新的全球富豪榜,“股神”沃伦.巴菲特超过微软公司董事会主席比尔.盖茨,成为全球首富。盖茨则滑落至第三位。

巴 菲特取代盖茨,意味着什么?笔者以为,它实际反映了美国的一个经济秘密:如果说10年前,美国新经济的兴起,意味着科技取代了金融实力,成为美国领导世界 经济的龙头产业;现在的巴菲特取代盖茨则说明,在多年来科技没有新的产业突破的无奈下,金融业又取代了科技,成为美国从全世界吸纳财富的最主要手段。


从 资本的流动考察世界经济发展,可以将全球资本流动粗略地划分为三个阶段,第一阶段是工业化前资本基本只集中在生产领域。第二个阶段是工业化开始到二次世界 大战后美国经济霸权形成,资本从生产领域向金融领域包括证券市场大规模转移。在此阶段,证券市场和传统金融信贷在各国经济中发挥的主要功能,都是优化资源 配置的效率、提高生产效率和服务于产业升级。

第 三个阶段从二十世纪70年代开始至今,这个阶段的金融衍生品,包括金融期货和商品期货得到了快速发展,资本从传统金融信贷向金融衍生产品大规模转移,发达 国家金融产业的资源配置功能已经大大弱化,而成为在全球攫取高额利润的手段,而美国在这方面,凭借美元的实际世界储备货币地位,成为发达国家中的发达国 家。

多 年来,美国维护世界霸主地位的主要经济途径,是主导和推进经济全球化进程。20世纪80年代美国开始积极倡导经济全球化,在全世界逼迫各国拆贸易壁垒,要 求各国建立自由市场的经济模式,加快全球化分工体系的形成,大幅度发行增量美元、强行渗透到世界各地的经济结算领域,同时加强技术的控制和分配,实现资 源、劳动力、产业配置全球化。

但 连美国也没有预料到的是,全球贸易急剧失衡,加上多年的“反恐战争”,自身出现了大量的逆差,这导致美国出现了流动性不足的问题,目前次贷危机就是流动性 不足的集中爆发。这导致了美国国内出现了反经济全球化、要求贸易保护主义的呼声,但美国社会的主流还是顽强地继续推进经济全球化,这是因为,美国认为,其 在包括商品期货在内的各种金融产业上,可以持续大有作为。

在 信息技术产业的辉煌顶点过去之后,美国在国际金融领域就早早开始了布局,包括巴菲特、罗杰斯等华尔街金融大亨,几年前就预测到新兴市场的商品需求,于是通 过控制现货市场商品和推高期货市场的价格,为美国赚回美元,使自己的美元流动性充裕。石油、有色金属、贵金属等均属于此列,2001年以后,美国率先操控 石油期货价格,进而陆续启动包括能源、金属、到现在的农产品等商品期货大牛市。

于 是,我们也就看到了今天的巴菲特取代盖茨,成为了新的世界首富。所谓“大富大贵者,皆乘天下之大势”,和当初盖茨高居世界首富,是乘美国以IT科技浪潮领 导世界经济的运数一样,巴菲特取代盖茨,不是个人命运浮沉,财富增减那么简单,其背后深刻隐藏的是世界经济的大政治。


Testing and Qualifying a Bluetooth Design

Adding Bluetooth functionality to an existing design can be challenging, and knowing how to avoid design pitfalls can help engineers prevent time to market delays.

Bluetooth is widely acknowledged as finally coming into its own. As consumers begin to understand the functionality of Bluetooth, they are enjoying the advantages of this short-range wireless technology that is exceptionally well-suited for cable replacement across a range of applications. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has expanded to include more 3000+ members across a wide range of industries, including communications, medical, and personal computing.

For product managers and design engineers, the question has changed from "when will we implement Bluetooth?" to "how will we implement Bluetooth in our designs?" What are the pitfalls? What is the most efficient, cost-effective way forward? For designers with limited wireless experience, the road ahead could look very intimidating.

What is Key to Know?
Bluetooth is a short-range wireless networking technology that operates in one of three power classes: Class 1 (+20-dBm maximum power, with a range limit of approximately 100 m), Class 2 (+4-dBm maximum power, with a range limit of approximately 20 m), and Class 3 (0-dBm maximum power, with a range limit of approximately 10 m).1

Last November, the Bluetooth SIG adopted Bluetooth Version 1.2. What does that mean to the designer? It means that components meeting this specification offer better interference protection and improved coexistence with other 2.4-GHz products (such as WLANs, some cordless telephones, and microwave ovens) as well as improved voice connections as compared to previous versions. These advances are due in large part to the addition of adaptive frequency hopping (AFH) technology, enhanced voice processing, and faster connection set ups. Of course, Bluetooth 1.2 products are backward compatible with Version 1.1 products.

Once designers have chosen to integrate Bluetooth technology into their products, there are many issues that should be considered beyond simple performance figures in a vendor's datasheet. For instance, what are the usage scenarios for the product? Is the product embedded or an external add-on? What operating systems need to be supported? What profiles/services are required to satisfy the requirements of the product applications? Does the product packaging design allow for an embedded or external antenna? What is the product lifecycle and how many variants are planned?

How Can I Be Most Efficient?
The original Bluetooth design was a number of discrete ICs with supporting circuitry. It eventually evolved into a module (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Diagram showing a typical Bluetooth module.

Since then, the level of integration has increased and the number of external parts has decreased as the technology progressed. As a result, the latest module solutions offer designers the means to implement Bluetooth technology with significantly reduced design risk, making the reality of a drop in "complete Bluetooth solution" even closer (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Bluetooth module with integrated antenna and connectors.

A major consideration when adding Bluetooth functionality to a design is to find out if the module or chipset meets the current Bluetooth standard, version 1.2, and/or if it is upgradeable. A good way to avoid delayed design cycles is to select a product that does not require additional Bluetooth certification or FCC/CE regulatory certification.

Designers should also consider choosing a Bluetooth solution that has leading edge performance and on-board memory. This will make the product more likely to last through a few generations of designs. Selecting a module with moderate performance characteristics might cut costs initially, but will likely require a complete redesign in the next generation.

In addition to the expected RF and baseband functionality, some of the latest Bluetooth modules offer additional functions, including a dedicated microcontroller, antenna, and connector integration, as well as on-board flash memory, voltage regulators, filters, and crystals. These features offer simplified designs, lower development costs, and improved time to market.

If they are not using one of these highly integrated modules, designers must pay very careful attention to the layout of the Bluetooth printed circuit board (PCB). Component placement, tracking, decoupling, grounding, shielding, and board material are all factors that impact performance, and they are crucial in ensuring good RF performance. When using a pre-designed, pre-certified module, designers avoid these issues as well as the need to worry about these factors in their final design.

Product Development Issues
Once a designer understands the basic application needs of the product, it is important to keep a watchful eye on power dissipation (battery life), physical limitations of the Bluetooth circuitry in the existing product design (how much real estate is available), and the transmission rate limitations/needs. For instance, most Bluetooth Internet connections are limited to 732.2 kbit/s, which can have an impact on audio quality.

Here are five considerations that are critical to the development process:

1. Module vs. Chipset
The main advantage of taking chips and designing them directly on the PCB is saving on footprint. But the advantage pretty much ends there. Single chip/chipset approaches require RF design resources to provide filters, amplifiers, matching networks, oscillators, clocks, and antenna for both the transmit and receive paths. It also requires extensive test equipment suites to verify and synthesize the design. And, in addition to significant design time, RF expertise, and verification, the design will also have to be certified for use in Bluetooth products.

2. Antennas
Most Bluetooth handheld devices require antennas that radiate in a spherical pattern so they can connect in any direction. Good antenna design for Bluetooth products is important, and designers selecting an external antenna need to consider space, cost, and antenna patterns. The surrounding components, casing, and proximity to the ground planes also all play a role in the ultimate performance of an antenna on a product.

If selecting a module without an antenna, the designer must understand the environment where the product will be used. Severe signal strength losses can occur if the feed between the radio and the antenna is not well matched, and the signal is reflected back into the circuit.

Recently, modules became available with integrated antennas. If a designer selects a module with an on-board antenna, then the significant antenna matching work has already been done. If a module without an antenna is selected, this matching needs to be done by the designer and then the solution needs to be re-certified by the Bluetooth Qualification Review Board (BQRB).

3. Antenna Matching
Most Bluetooth radio chipsets (and modules) have an on-chip transmit/receive switch in the front-end architecture to allow both the transmission and receive paths to use the same differential port. Typically, the output transceiver architecture is a single combined transmit/receive chain.

When designing the Bluetooth module, a matching network formed by L1 and C1 is used to transform between the impedances of the Tx differential port and that of the balun (Figure 3). The balun converts the differential signal into one single-ended signal that is fed to a band pass filter, then to the antenna port. Filtering formed with the L2/C2 network prevents RF energy from contaminating the circuit. The band pass filter in the signal path provides additional filtering for the Tx signal and suppresses interference in the Rx path.

Figure 3: Bluetooth radio chips between RF chip and antenna.

A shield helps reduce internal and external interference from radiating into the module and other RF sensitive components. RF coupling also needs to be considered, and components should be carefully oriented on the PCB.

As an example, the RF performance of a Bluetooth device with an antenna was measured. Two cases are considered for comparison. In Case 1, a 0-ohm matching network is used to measure the initial antenna state (Figure 4) and in Case 2, an optimum matching network was implemented to enhance antenna performance (Figure 5).

Figure 4: Antenna matching circuit that uses a 0-ohm resistor.

Figure 5: Diagram showing optimum antenna matching with 4.7-nH series inductance.

In the cases above, measurements performed included 3D radiation pattern, return loss, and antenna efficiency. For this analysis, the return loss and antenna efficiency will be considered. In these examples, initial antenna measurements showed that the antenna is detuned from the central frequency of 2.45 GHz, so a matching component was required. The results showed that 44-percent total antenna efficiency (at the peak of 2.45 GHz) was achieved when using the optimum matching network (Table 1). Return loss in Case 1 ranged from -2.9 to -5.0 dB and improved to -6.5 to -12.4 dB with matching circuitry (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Return loss plot (Case 1) for a 0-ohm matching network (top) and return loss (Case 2) plot for an optimum matching network (bottom).

As this analysis shows, although the antenna is only one component, designing it in a circuit requires other circuits to optimize performance, with special considerations given to filtering requirements, matching, and layout.

4. Connectors
Many Bluetooth modules do not have connectors, but have leaded BGA or SMD packages. Rework on any products that feature these leaded modules requires the use of a BGA or SMD rework station. These stations are costly, and the process can be time consuming when these components need to be extracted from the PCB for test, debug, or repair. In such cases, the main PCB could easily be damaged. And, reworking the leaded module back onto the PCB could be challenging. (For instance, a BGA X-ray machine may be needed to verify whether the pins have connected properly to the PCB.) Working with a module that has the appropriate signals brought out on a connector can be a major time and aggravation savings for a designer.

When a module is equipped with standard connectors offering USB or UART interface, the designer essentially has a plug-and-play module to insert into the existing design, without the need to redesign the PCB to integrate BGA or SMT type components. An on-module connector can also help debugging and testing without the need to have special equipment.

5. Crystal
Some modules do not have an on-board crystal while others have an on-board crystal but the module is not fully tested and certified. In either of these scenarios, some special design considerations apply.

Crystals vary, and each crystal has an optimal bias level that minimizes the phase noise on the oscillator, so, when using a crystal, its bias level must be individually configured. In the case of certified modules with an on-board crystal, the individual bias levels are pre-stored on each module in order to achieve minimum phase noise.

What about the Stack?
Standard Bluetooth devices are minimally equipped with a host controller interface (HCI) stack, which supports basic Bluetooth host protocols for serial communications, such as synchronizing the hopping frequencies used by communicating Bluetooth products. A module manufacturer can load a profile on top of the stack, such as the serial port profile (SPP) which allows for cable replacement. In addition, end users can develop custom stacks or purchase third-party stacks.

What Do I Need to Test For?
Figure 7 shows a test set up that can be used to test a Bluetooth module for most RF parameters such as receive/transmit signal output, co-channel interference, bit-error rate (BER) performance relative to received signal strength indicator (RSSI), and adjacent channel interference.

Figure 7: General RF test setup for a Bluetooth module.

The device under test (DUT) shown in Figure 7 is the actual Bluetooth module and it is connected to a PC using an interface board, which in this case requires DC supply. The PC is equipped with test set up software.

The major component of this test set up is the Bluetooth Tester, such as the Agilent E1852A/B or Anritsu MT8850aA52A. (Additionally, a spectrum analyzer can be used to examine the spectral contents of the signal on the RF port of the device for measurements of adjacent channel interference, signal spectrum, harmonics, co-channel interference, and noise.)

The Bluetooth signal generator in Figure 7 is used to generate noise in the particular bandwidth and frequency band of interest. The RF combiner/ splitter is used to combine the noise with the RF signal, and also to split the RF signal where it can be routed to the spectrum analyzer and the Bluetooth tester.

Additional test criteria will vary by application. For instance, Table 2 shows the pass/fail parameters used to evaluate a Bluetooth USB printer adapter.

Table 2: Pass/Fail Parameters for a Bluetooth USB Printer Adapter

Some additional tests that can be performed using the test setup in Figure 7 include:

  • Frequency versus time and power versus time performance for the module
  • Power versus frequency channel number
  • Co-channel interference
  • Adjacent channel interference
  • Spectral contents of the signal
  • Harmonics contents

If using a module without an antenna, additional work is needed to determine the matching circuitry. Also, more extensive measurements will be required when the antenna is on board (see Antenna Matching, above), and it may even require the help of the antenna manufacturer if the proper equipment is not available at the design site.

Using a pre-certified fully-integrated module eliminates the need to test for RF conformance testing or data transmission rates, since the product is already certified by the BQB body, CE, and FCC. Bluetooth certification includes RF conformance testing and interoperability testing. So, for the most part, all the designer needs to do is ensure appropriate signal levels are provided to the module and that the correct application or stack is loaded onto the final product.

For instance, using the USB adapter example in Table 2, the designer simply needs to ensure that the proper USB signals are connected to the USB lines of the module. The power, ground, and appropriate signal levels as defined by the module specifications should be applied when integrating the module.

What about Bluetooth Qualification?
Bluetooth qualification allows OEMs to have a product listing on the Bluetooth web site and gives them the ability to use the Bluetooth brand on the product. Qualification helps different manufacturers ensure that their products will operate with other Bluetooth products, and that their products comply with the Bluetooth specification. The qualification process is divided into four parts: radio link requirements, protocol requirements, profile requirements, and information requirements.

The entire qualification program is overseen and administered by the Bluetooth Qualification Review Board (BQRB). Qualification is based on conformance testing (defined by the Bluetooth Qualification Program [BQP]) against a reference test system and functional interoperability tests with another operational Bluetooth product. Testing is performed by a Bluetooth Qualification Test Facility (BQTF) which has been accredited by the SIG's BQRB.

In addition to this testing, manufacturers seeking qualification must submit compliance declarations, which will be reviewed by a Bluetooth Qualification Body (BQB). In addition, Bluetooth products also need to obtain approvals beyond those issued by the BQB, such as FCC and CE.

If designers select a pre-certified module complete with antenna, no re-certification is required. If they select a module that requires additional components, including connectors and antennas, then the design must be re-certified. This process can add several weeks onto the design cycle. The cost of certification for a new design varies greatly and is dependent upon which countries will be receiving the product. For instance, costs can exceed $100,000 for worldwide approvals. Although BQTFs have recently implemented significant price reductions, the use of pre-certified modules still offers considerable cost savings.

Designers implementing Bluetooth into new or existing designs need to be clear on what their application requires, and then carefully select the module or chipset for the design. Fortunately, the technology has evolved so that designers can implement Bluetooth functionality with a limited amount of optimization and RF circuitry design. Some of the latest modules also eliminate the need for certification and extensive design work, so designers can provide a reliable and fully-certified design with a faster time to market.

Author's Note: The author would like to thank Hussein Mehdi for helping create this article.

About the Author
James Kraemer is the director of product development and engineering at Smart Modular Technologies. He can be reached at james.kraemer@smartm.com.